Billet Program
Billet Program
Each year, the Nashville Jr. Predators program has out of area players who want to come and play for one our teams. The billet or host family concept is considered by many as a hockey tradition. It involves host families opening their homes and families to out of area players, and provides an opportunity for these young men to pursue the next step in their developing hockey careers. These talented players, who show the potential to play at an elite level, seek the opportunity to play for an organization that can help them to achieve their goals. The host family has a great opportunity to build a life-long relationship and help a young person to realize their dreams.
If you have interest in learning more about this great opportunity, you can submit an inquiry to our billet coordinator by filling out the form.

Our incoming players that will need a billet family are mainly 16 – 18 years old.
The Nashville Jr. Predators Organization puts a strong emphasis on placing our out-of-town players in caring family environments that are committed to providing a supportive home away from home. The players require reinforcement, trust and encouragement from their billets as well as a clean, family atmosphere.
Even the most independent players need good quality time with their billet family. For some players, this is their first time being away from home and will be experiencing all kinds of different emotions, so we expect the billet family to care for and treat the players as if they were one their own.
A maximum of 2 players may be placed in any single billet home.
Billet families should provide these 3 important things:
1. A separate room for the player, or a shared room if there are 2 players, that should include furniture such a bed, desk & chair and clothing storage.
2. Nutritious meals including breakfast, lunch and dinner.
3. A patient, caring and friendly home atmosphere.
As a member of the household, the players are expected to show respect and adhere to the rules of the billet’s house. It is a privilege, not a right, and therefore, will need to respect the billet family, their home, and their belongings. They are required to share in the daily chores, maintain their own room and do their own laundry.
The length of time depends on the family and the individual. Most of the players stay with their billet family from August to May.
Yes, the billet families receive a monthly billeting payment for each player. The payment amount will be discussed at a later point in time between the billet family and the billet coordinator.
Occasionally players from Canada or Europe are part of the billet program. In most cases the player is able to speak English as a second language.
Contact the Billeting Coordinator for further instruction on paperwork.